⇦ Back to: Create Pull Request | ⇧ Overview | ⇨ Next: Merge Pull Request
Open the Pull Request on GitHub
Click the “Add your review” button
On the code page which appears, look through the changes, checking for everything which is important for your project, starting with overall intent and structure, then correctness, whether the code is tested, documentation, consistency with the rest of the codebase, style, etc.
Add comments wherever you think they are needed or useful.
Hover over the line number you want to comment on, then click the “+” button which appears to start a comment.
Add a description or comment.
It is sometimes easier for the PR’s author if you include concrete suggestions:
Once your comment is done, click the “start a review” button.
Continue adding comments as required, adding them to the review.
Once you’re done, click on “Finish your review”
Add a summary comment.
Select whether you want to:
Click “Submit your review”
🎉 You’re done! 🎉
<aside> 💡 Suggesting bigger changes: If you want to make concrete suggestions which affect several lines or several files, you can create a new PR to hold them. Make sure you:
In this case, the PR-merge etiquette is that the author of the original PR should merge the changes if they approve of them, just like they merge (or don’t ignore) suggestions from comments.
<aside> ⚠️ Important considerations around comments
Please follow the usual rules of giving feedback: